First of all, I need to announce the lucky winner of the Pick Your Plum giveaway! That lovely lady is Kristen at kristenmadson (at) gmail (dot) com. (Please email me at thriftydecorchick (at) gmail (dot) com!)
Congrats Kristen! What will you do with that extra $100??
This week I have all kinds of RANDOM running through my head – and some of that random will be spit out onto this post. :)
First of all, there’s that little event called the Royal Wedding. Heard of it? No? You must live under a rock? ;)
I’m not really into all things royal, but I can’t help but get swept up in all of it. I mean, they’re so cute and young and in love (I hope!) – it’s just fun to watch.
Because the ceremony will be held in Westminster Abbey, it has me all nostalgic about our trip to London a lifetime few years ago. There’s so much amazing architecture there, but my favorite place – hands down – was Westminster Abbey.
You can see a peek of it here to the right of Big Ben:

I took that one from the top of the London Eye. (So cool!)
There was a wait to get inside, but when you have this to look at, the wait was fine with me:

The intricacy and detail was astonishing. Just unbelievable.
That domed area under the cross looked like this up close:

It absolutely boggled my mind that this was created about 1,000 years ago (give or take). I find it completely fascinating.
If I remember right, we couldn’t take pictures inside (that may be why I don’t have any!). But I’ll never forget it.
Here’s a photo I found online:

That’s just one small portion of it – it’s about 10,000 square feet. :)
We had an event at a nearby church and I got this picture through a window, with the Abbey in the background:

These are scans of pictures, and I’m SO sad because this photo is in such bad shape. I played around with it in Picnik and that’s as good as I could get it for now.
I can’t wait to see the four hour coverage of the ceremony!! ;) (Set your DVR for early tomorrow morning if you’re interested.)
Onto news around these parts – I FINALLY decided on a sofa for the family room. GoodNESS…it took me a while. I shopped around even more (after my last post), and was thisclose to putting our deposit down on a sofa from Macy’s, but then ended back with this one from Arhaus:

You may remember I originally was going for the slip covered version, but in the end, knowing thyself won out. I KNOW any wrinkles in the cover would have driven me batty. And the cleaner look of this sofa just fits the style of our family room much better.
I’m going with a microdenier fabric – a version of microfiber. And it’s as soft as a bunny’s butt…I’m not even kidding you.
**I’ve never touched a bunny’s butt, but I’m guessing it’s pretty darn soft.
Now…I just need to decide on the color:

I don’t know what’s easier – buying a sofa off the floor (like we’ve always done) and seeing the color on the sofa but not in your house, or being able to take a sample of the color home…without the sofa. ;)
I was planning on going lighter, but I luuuuurve that chocolate color. Hmmm…
Do you have a light sofa? Love it, hate it?
I had a recent hair travesty that I had to share with you all – it was that bad. If you follow me on Twitter, you heard about my very unfortunate hair cut a couple of weeks ago.
I took photos just to show how bad it was. :)
This was the cut from the side (this was just a few hours after the cut):

Isn’t that pretty?? What in the ??????
I was so upset once I realized how bad it was, I ended up cutting off most of the length myself that night.
You know – getting rid of the mullet.
I thought it was looking much better, till I washed it the next day and looked at the back with a mirror:

And then I realized why the hairdresser didn’t show me the back of my hair after the cut. :)
This doesn’t even show how bad it really was. It was destroyed. (And I didn’t cut that part – just the bottom.)
I usually don’t get worked up about this stuff, but this time I was just slightly concerned. :) I wore my hair in a pony for a while, then got it fixed at a very unlikely spot…Big League Barber.
Yes, where my hubby and son get their hair cut. :) One of the girls there had fixed a bad cut before (I have bad luck with hair and cars) and she did such a great job then, I asked for her help again.
I LOVE HER. It’s shorter than it’s ever been now, but I love it!:

Excuse the self portrait taken in a bathroom. :)
Now I think it was all meant to be. And I’m going to keep going back to the stylist at Big League – especially since the cut was only $15!! WHOO!
And finally, we are sending out big prayers to those affected by the recent tornados. As Hoosiers, we’re no strangers to this weather, but the devastation always takes my breath away.
This video will absolutely make you shiver. How terrifying.
As always, you can text “REDCROSS” to 90999 to send a $10 donation. It’s such an easy way to help. Or of course, go to the Red Cross site here to find out other ways to donate.
It sure puts a bad hair cut in perspective, eh?
Praying for everyone!
Now I must end my random thoughts with a message a friend posted on Facebook this morning. It really resonated with me and I wanted to share it with you all:

I don’t know the origin of this poster, but I know I. LOVE. IT. This is my mantra, all wrapped up into a few sentences.
I have a feeling this will be going up on a wall in our house…somewhere. :)
**A lovely Facebook reader said this is the Holstee manifesto. (Thanks Sheila!)
Thanks for listing to random (deep?) thoughts…by Sarah.
Don’t forget about the Before and After Party coming up this Monday! Let’s start May off with a bang! (Post will go up late Sunday evening.)
Have a great one!