Hello there. I'm the one in the picture above ....you might know me...you might not....
i am a married mother of three kids...
though sometimes i think they aren't really mine..or better yet...
i will pretend that they are not mine...and wait for someone to raise their hand to claim my
but that's never happened...
so here we are....
and i still have three children. Don't get me wrong though...i desperately love my
wee one's..
but a girl's got to admit...
life in my house is not full of cherries...
you end up with a lot of pits sitting around.
hold on....
wait a minute...
i don't even think i introduced myself properly...
and here i am...
totally opening up my can of worms to you...
and you might not even know who i am.
My name is Allison and i live outside of chicago...
you got me....my name isn't really Allison...
it's Kasey.....but the truth is...
my parents almost named me allison...
so i have every right to use that name...
once again i am so off track....
but that's me..
and wendy kindly asked me to pop over here and
do a little guest post.
I hope she approves...
i know the first names of her children...and they are definitely
not called #1, #2, #3, and #4 in her house. The first thing i thought when wendy asked me to be a guest on her lovely blog..is what the heck am i going to chat about...
because wendy is the all knowing..
the all creative...
and she knows how to sew....
with a needle and thread...
not me...
i don't have an ounce of creativity in me..
let alone...
do i know how to thread a needle..
but..what i can do, is style my home.
that i know.
So, with the holidays right around the corner...i just thought i would share with you some really simple...
ways to freshen up a room with a minimalistic look.
One thing you won't find in my home are the ever popular
red and greens.
not here.
I love grey...i love cream...
and i love simple. I also love the idea of simple ways to give a gift....especially if you are like me..
and on a total budget this season.
no wrapping paper in sight.
Use a simple brown kraft box....some twine...and a hand stamped tag to pull it all together.
I actually got these tags from Etsy....and you can find them {here }.
Right now i'm really into a clean natural look in my home....and a good way to bring
the word natural in...is by really bringing it in.
what you see is a branch....
and i am using it as a curtain rod...
and it hangs on some crown hooks.
You don't have to worry...
i did let my kids play with the stick first...
and once i made sure there were no
bugs or foreign creepy crawly things on it..
i brought it in and
a totally free curtain rod....
it made up for the price i paid for the french curtain.
And here is the twine again....
i used it to tie the curtain back....
so easy and once again...
a bargain.
which is my middle name in case you were wondering....
but don't get it confused with
the town in the south of france called
It's been a pleasure chatting with you...and letting you see just a few things i've done.
So didn't I tell you she has fabulous style? Thanks for stopping by today, Kasey!!
Coming up this week: A glittery Christmas project
A Christmas family tree
Have a great day~